08 September 2012

When It Rains, It Pours

DD's relationship with her parents is tense. She loves her youngest brother like nothing else. She and her other brother get along, but he dislikes how her behavior can upset DH and I. DD moved out almost the day she graduated high school. To be honest, it was a relief. Our interactions the three years before she graduated spiralled to all new lows. The window in her old bedroom still hasn't been repaired from when it was kicked out a few years ago.

We've gone through our low points, and over the last year it's seemed she has been doing better. She has an apartment with her girlfriend (GF) (with some help from mom), and she bought a used car last month (with some help from dad). She visits when she needs to do laundry or when DYS calls her. So, it's been pretty steady.

Then last week GF's dog bit DD. It quickly got infected, so she and I spent Tuesday in the ER waiting for a doctor to look at it. Eight hours later she had antibiotics and painkillers. In our conversations I find out she and GF are not getting along. I know my daughter. She is a non-communicator, and she has an explosive temper. And she absolutely does not talk about what's closest to her heart. So, I get that niggling at the back of my brain. But I leave it alone. I don't want to think/fear the worst.

And Friday night comes along. It was a busy day. At work, I was engrossed in a cliet issue that was time critical. I didn't leave until almost 12 hours after I'd arrived. About the only break I had was to get a coke. So, I get home, read a chapter of Harry Potter to DYS and get into bed for a well-deserved rest. Then my cell phone rings. And it's DD. She's screaming into the phone, cursing, crying, and what I find out is that she and her GF got into a fight. GF took the car keys, and DD is furious. There's talk of taking pain killers and other crazy talk. So I grab some clothes and take off to get her. I pick her up and take her to the park by our house. Then I go to her apartment and spend an hour talking to GF. To me, it's obvious they need to go their separate ways. But neither of them "had anyplace to go". That and there's the $1,000 to break the lease that mom co-signed. I get DD's car keys, go pick her up and take her to her apartment. Then I finally get to bed.

I get up this morning and call DD. She sounds down, but she's much calmer now. So, I start my cleaning. And then I see on FB that she's posted a comment about how bad her day is. I call her, and her car, only a few days out of the warranty, is dead. The car accelerator died, the oil light went on, and then the car died. Oh crap. I've been in cars that did that, and none of them survived - thrown rods, cracked blocks. All this is going through my mind, and the feeling in my stomach is just dropping. I feel that dread that I felt four years ago when things were at their very worst with DD.

I am so afraid we are heading for another really bad patch with DD. I am praying the car can be repaired for a relatively reasonable cost. I am praying the car is redeemable. I am praying DD and GF can figure out what to do - peacefully. I am praying, period.

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