15 February 2007


It's Thursday, it's Thursday! Only one more day till the weekend! I finally found the cause for the difference. All that effort, and it was one line, one variable. I referenced the wrong variable. One change later, and the world was once more sweet. The tests are now with the BA (Business Analyst), and I'm now working on code coverage. I need 100% code coverage, which is why I had to do so much testing. I love Xpeditor!

Today went smoothly. No issues (yet) at school. Lunch with a coworker. I went to the gym but didn't work out - I weighed in and measured. In 2 weeks, I've lost 3.5 pounds. I lost 1/2 inch each in my waist, thigh, hips. At first I was bummed it was only 1/2 inch, but then I realized that was a 2 week difference. So, it actually seems pretty good. Now I gotta keep it up. Diet - diet - diet! It is getting easier to make the right choices. And if something is just too tempting, I make sure it's only 1 or 2 times max a week. And I make up for it by working out extra and/or eating more carefully for a few days. You go Girl! (Always nice to pat oneself on the back.) I am SO not motivated to fix my lunch for tomorrow. But I've got to. It keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Other than dealing with the fallout of school issues, it was an ok day. Chris went with me to work. He did his homework and read. It was Early Release day, so we left around 12:45 to pick up Cassie. I spent the afternoon working from home, in the living room, while C & C enjoyed reading - in the living room. If I have to work from home because of their misdeeds, they get to suffer some while I'm working. Not that I would call reading suffering, but as no computers, TV, Gameboys, etc. was permitted, they felt it was suffering enough.

We ordered pizza for C&C&G and Rufus and I went out to dinner. Amazingly, I kept to my diet - mahi and broccoli. It was nice and relaxing and delicious. Rufus gave me some lovely tulips. My maternal grandmother grew tulips. They circled the trees in the backyard. - I'm getting tired. Stayed up too late last night, and now I'm paying for it, so signing off. Till next time.

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