05 December 2011

Attitude Improvement! : )

So, it's the holiday season. And in my last post I was feeling...down. Things are going better now. I've decided to take a more laid back perspective of the holidays. That means no lights on the house, and the tree may be this weekend or next. I am definitely not going to stress. Life is too short for stressing. I've got all the relatives' gifts purchased and all but one package shipped. The Christmas cards will be short and sweet and will be sent next week. And the family's gifts are, for the most part, purchased. I told DH no big gifts between the two of us this year. I truly don't know what to get him. Definitely no electronics. He massacres them!

I think what's improved my overall attitude is that I have started going back to church. I didn't go for a while, and I've gone the last two weeks. It's definitely helped my attitude. And I've been reading the book of Daniel. I've not spent much time learning about him, so now is my time to learn. And even though money is tight, I've been tithing. And praying. So, all that combined has helped tremendously with my attitude.

Now if it would only snow here! It snowed my second Christmas in Florida - an unprecedented event that shut down all of NE Florida. Since then, I've only seen snow when visiting relatives or skiing in West Virginia.

Granted, this is a brief post, but it's a post nonetheless. I just wanted to share that things are looking up. I hope to have something more interesting to write about soon.

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