14 January 2007

A Quiet Saturday

Wow! Chris and I saw the new movie "Stomp the Yard" tonight. It was GOOD!! One of the few positive African American role movies made. One of the few positive role model movies, period. Those stepping teams were BUFF! It takes a log of discipline, exercise, strength to step and/or dance off.

Today was a good day. I actually got up at what I would consider a decent time; 8:00. Not too early, not too late. Gabe and I played for a while, and then took Cassie to her hair appointment. Rufus and I then spent the better part of the day doing odd jobs around the house while Chris and Gabriel played in the water, in the house, wherever, Cassie went to see "Freedom Writers" with some friends in the afternoon and Rufus took his mother to mass. Chris, Gabriel and I stayed home just enjoying the day.

It is now 1:45 AM Sunday morning, and amazingly, I can't sleep. And Cassie can't either. So, we're watching "X-Men, The Last Stand" on pay-per-view. I've not seen it before. I'll probably do laundry while watching it. And then in the morning, when we need to be going to 9:00 AM mass, I'll be sound asleep or wishing I were asleep.

This is a short post - my only recommendation is to go see "Stomp the Yard."

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