30 June 2012

Celebrity Junkie: Tom and Katie

I am sometimes embarrassed that I am such a celebrity junkie. I have to admit that daily I troll websites such as http://www.dailymail.co.uk/, http://www.eonline.com/, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ and the like. I am one of those people who keeps up with the celebrity news of the day. Just ask me about Katy Perry, Ryan Reynolds or (gulp) Justin Bieber. Yes, these folks are entitled to their privacy. And if I were to meet them on the street (highly unlikely), I would most likely pass them by. Why? Because if they weren't famous, I wouldn't know them anyway. That and I don't want to be seen as a hanger-on. So, I enjoy their talents from afar and sometimes daydream that if we were to meet (in some inauspicious way), they would appreciate my talents and consider me know-worthy.

That said, I am compelled to comment on the 'big news of the week' that Katie Holmes has filed for divorce from Tom Cruise.

Good job, Katie! About time!

I've spent the last 24 hours reading several articles about how Katie 'blindsided' Tom, why she filed in New York, that there was no indication in Katie's demeanor, how it will affect Suri, yada yada yada. I may be eons away from these folks, but I think I can make some educated reasons the led to the divorce.
  • It's hard living 24x7 in the limelight, most especially when the person impacted most is your beloved six year old child.
We all see photos of Suri Cruise. These are all from the photographers' view. But look at it from Katie's view. Everywhere Suri goes there also goes one to two hundred arrogant, loud and invasive photographers, each armed with mind-numbingly large lenses, each yelling, cajoling, barking at a precocious six year old, trying to get 'the' shot to be seen around the world.
  • Being considered a 'has-been' at 33 can be a bit of a downer.
Tom Cruise is larger than life. He doesn't just live, he LIVES! Almost everything he touches turns to gold. He projects a seemingly perfect life. Since they married, Katie has yet to establish bragging rights for anything she's done professionally. Apparently, all projects must be approved by Tom and his cadre of image professionals. While Tom's projects reap profits (for the most part), Katie's projects shrivel and whimper through the cracks in the floor.
  • Being forced to extol beliefs one doesn't embrace wholeheartedly can yield resentment.
Hmmm. Scientology. Nuff said.
  • Standing by while said beliefs are rammed into your beloved child's every waking moment can also yield resentment.
As a parent myself, I firmly believe children are to be enlightened and not limited. Yes, there are restrictions. But only permitting one parent's perspective to drive a child's life puts that child at a significant disadvantage.
  • Continually presenting a perfect life to the world even when it's not can be very tiring.
I am sure Katie has had her down times, as I am sure Tom has had his. But I tend to think that Tom is a bit less introspective than Katie, and if things are sunny he seeks it elsewhere. Not so lucky is Katie. She's the 'adoring wife' and as such is compelled to 'support' Tom. I sometimes think Tom is bipolar and that he is in a perpetual manic state. Must be very taxing to keep that smile on her face. Not only in front of the public, but also in front of Tom. Because, we should realize by now that Tom not only feeds off his millions of adorers, but he also needs total and absolute adoration from his wife. So, even when she's PMS'ing she has to put that 'happy face' on so Tom can feel worshipped and adored.
  • Living separate lives can lead to, well, separate lives.
Tom has been busy on his projects while Katie has been busy rearing their daughter. He is traveling the globe, expecting her to do his every bidding, while she lives an insular life surrounded by papparazzi, Scientology trainers, and practically no one else. It has given her time to think. She's young, she's vibrant. Does she really think she will be happy living this kind of life for the next 50 years? I think not.

And therein lays the reason. Katie is seeking the happiness she once had. Peace, family, friends. These are all things she hasn't had in quite some time. She tried to make this marriage work. Tom isn't a jerk. But, this life, this marriage, it has reached its logical conclusion. It it time for Katie to open a new chapter.

You go girl!

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