20 March 2012

What To Blog About?

It's SPRING!!!!

I enjoy finding quotes to reflect events, and this is one I found that says it all:

It's spring fever.  That is what the name of it is.  And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!  ~ Mark Twain

It's been a busy month. Work has demanded much of my time lately. An impending deadline and inexperienced coworkers have translated into extra hours at work. Thankfully, the end is in sight...for this project. Then another month and another deadline. I really do love my job. I enjoy problem solving, and computer programming is all about creating solutions. 

The conundrum of writing a blog is that most blogging inspirations occur at the most inconvenient times and places. Thumbs aren't exactly the most efficient way to write a blog. Neither are pillows the most comfortable headrest - when one is thinking of titillating topics. And by the time I make it to the computer, what has happened to those grandiose ideas? I have no idea because they've vacated my brain, and all that's left are lingering impressions of what I wanted to write.

So, here I am. In front of the computer. All thoughts of what I could have written gone. Flown away. Buh bye! And here's my plan. You be the judge as to whether I succeed in this plan. Here's hoping I succeed.
  1. Write a list of topics
  2. Blog about one of these topics at least one day a week. - Target Tuesday night.
  3. As more topics come to mind, I'll add them to my list of topics. 
  4. And let's find out what evolves.
My List of Blog Topics (as of 20 March, 2012)
  • Steampunk (a literary genre)
  • Relationships (children, spouse, friends, coworkers)
  • Reading tools (iBooks, Kindle, Nook, websites, online, hard copy, etc.)
  • Interesting websites (ie, Pinterest, Postcrossing)
  • Movies (recent, memorable, good, great, bad, terrible)
  • Introspection
  • Books
  • Autism
  • Fitness
  • Cooking/Food
That's a vague enough list now isn't it. Today is Tuesday. So, I commit to writing about one of the above topics by next Tuesday. And your input would be greatly appreciated. Let's see if anyone out there is reading! : )

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